


NICE – iNnovatIve and enhanCed naturE-based solutions for sustainable urban water cycle


UR REVERSAAL: Pascal Molle -


Active period :



European project H2020, call SC5-27-2020, 5 millions euros

Partners :


Abstract :

The overall objective of NICE is to widen the availability of enhanced Natural Based Solutions [NBS] to provide circular urban water solutions. NICE will provide key knowledge for the design and implementation of NBS, closing urban water loops. In this respect, NICE solutions will make available reusable water for different purposes (e.g. non-agricultural irrigation, toilet flushing...), in addition to mitigating pollution and runoff and constituting an attractive and integral part of the urban landscape. NICE strategy will be based on the comprehensive study of existing NBS together with R&D at lab and Urban Real Labs [URLs] (11 URLs, 18 pilots, 8 countries + 4 Fellow Sites) of innovative NBS covering the whole urban water cycle (wastewater [WW], greywater [GW], river basins [RB], stormwater [SW] & Combined Sewer Overflow [CSO]). High-potential technologies such as green walls, vegetated rooftops, rain gardens & hybrid subsurface wetlands will be studied and enhanced with especially tailored bioaugmentation strategies, reactive materials & other filling media, novel design & plants, obtaining highly innovative and efficient urban water NBS.

Workpackages :



Network Axis(es)/Area(s) of Application(s)/TRL:

Technological project feeding the problematics of the urban (and peri-urban) reuse axis / Project with TRL : 2 - 5