

Who is working with us! Click on the map!

At the local level

The unit has set up a joint research center in environmental engineering (RESEED) with the DEEP laboratory (Waste, Water, Environment, Pollution) of the INSA of Lyon. The Rhone-Mediterranean-Corsica Water Agency and the Greater Lyon Metropolis have long supported the unit's research activities. The unit also contributes to regional structures (AXELERA, GRAIE, GIS EEDEMS, FR BioEEnViS, Labex IMU).

At the national level

The unit collaborates with several research teams at the national level (PROSE, G-Eau, LGC, EPOC, OPAALE, ITAP, LBE, TBI...). It has the historical support of governmental agencies (OFB, Adour Garonne and Loire Bretagne water agencies, AFD) and the Ministry of Ecological Transition. It conducts its research with private companies with the help of Carnot Eau & Environnement. It shares its results and expertise within associations and networks (Geofcan, ASTEE, Epnac, pS-Eau). Several agents of the unit are involved in internal initiatives such as the BETTER Metaprogram and the REUSE network of INRAE.

At the international level

The unit collaborates internationally with well known research teams (Ghent, Aarhus, Montana and North Carolina Universities, UFZ, BOKU, CEIT, ICRA...). It works with southern countries (Senegal, Tunisia, India) and private companies (SUEZ, SAUR, VEOLIA, ECOBIRD, ...) with activities in metropolitan France in the DOM or foreign countries. The unit has been operating for more than 10 years in the DOM and its activity is now extending to the Caribbean.