


MULTISOURCE - ModULar Tools for Integrating enhanced natural treatment SOlutions in URban water CyclEs



Coordinator :


Active period  :


Financing :

European project H2020, call for projects SC5-27-2020

Partners :


Abstract :

The overall objective of MULTISOURCE is to provide a demonstration, in collaboration with local, national and international stakeholders, of a variety of enhanced natural treatment solutions (ENTS) handling a wide array of urban waters. A second focus entails developing the innovative commercial tools, methods and models to aid both planning at the city scale and long-term operations and maintenance of natural solutions targeting the treatment, storage and reuse of water in urban zones across the world. MULTISOURCE will enable users to: identify multiple local water reuse sources, promote the adoption of nature-based solutions, and minimize the discharge of water that has not yet undergone adequate treatment. MULTISOURCE will contribute new knowledge on ENTS and their capacity to eliminate waterborne contaminants, in effectively mitigating chemical and biological risks, as well as their capacity to be integrated into the landscape and improve the quality of urban dwellings. This project comprises seven pilots, encompassing a broad range of urban waters. Two independent municipalities (Gerona, Spain; Oslo, Norway), two metropolitan area municipalities (Lyon, France; Milan, Italy) and international partners in Brazil, Vietnam and the United States will participate in each of the main project activities: ENTS pilots, risk evaluation, commercial models, technology selection, and the MULTISOURCE planning platform. The introduction of urban archetypes on the planning platform will allow users to quickly parse out those regions (in industrialized or emerging countries) suitable for applying natural water treatment solutions and then compare scenarios both with and without such solutions. This original approach will output the knowledge, commercial models and modular tools needed for stakeholders to proceed with large-scale planning adapted to their local context. In turn, this progress will serve to promote circularity and sustainability in the urban water sector while overcoming the obstacles to a more widespread adoption of nature-based solutions for treating water.

Workpackages :



Topic(s) / Field(s) of applications for the network/TRL:

A technological project to help address the urban (and suburban) reuse theme /
TRL Project: 3 - 7