Success for the toilets of the future!

Success for the toilets of the future!

The toilets of the future installed on the first floor of our building is very well accepted by people working in the building.

What if peeing could become an act for the planet?

Toilets of the future (male and female dry urinals, urine-diverting toilets) have been installed on the first floor of the INRAE site in Lyon Villeurbanne as part of the Melting Pot project. This actions aims to preserve water resources and move towards a more sober building by reusing non-conventional water (household water, industrial water, rainwater) in our building.

The toilets of the future have two goals: save water and recover nutrients from urine for agriculture instead of synthetic fertilizers.

According to the surveys conducted by Myriam Boudjada during her internship, 77% of respondents support the installing of these new toilets on the other toilet locations of the building! 

These initiatives have received support from INRAE as part of the corporate social and environmental incubator call for projects which aims to support sustainable development and social responsibility, responding to SDG6 “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all” and SDG11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” of united nations.
