Overview of wastewater reuse in France in 2022

Overview of wastewater reuse in France in 2022, current state of the practice and developments since 2017

The overview of wastewater reuse in France has been updated. With only 13 new projects in operation between 2017 and 2022, the National Water Plan's objective of developing 1,000 projects over the next 5 years seems very ambitious.

The overview of wastewater reuse was produced by UR REVERSAAL and its partners as part of Epnac's Reut Technical Workshop.  It has a twofold interest:

- it shows trends over the last 5 years: while 13 new projects came into operation during the period, 9 were abandoned. Agricultural uses, associated with small-capacity WWTPs, are losing ground to projects associated with urban uses around large-capacity WWTPs;

- it represents an initial assessment that will enable us to evaluate the impact on the sector of the national water plan and the entry into force of European regulations.

The Panorama also raises the question of the economic model for wastewater reuse, as well as the performance of treatment processes and their monitoring.

The Panorama is available at the following address: https://www.epnac.fr/reut