OhmPi Norway

Installation of OhmPi, an open-hardware resistivity meter developed by REVERSAAL in Norway

Installation of OhmPi, an open-hardware resistivity meter developed by REVERSAAL in Norway

EarthresQue is a research-based innovation (RBI) center funded by the Research Council of Norway. The center aims to develop technologies and systems for the sustainable handling and treatment of waste and surplus mass.

The project is coordinated by Helen K. French, Professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
 Nicolas Forquet and Rémi Clément have been invited by earthresQue center to contribute their expertise and know-how in terms of long-term monitoring using electrical resistivity tomography. They also supported the project in implementing OhmPi, an open-source resistivity meter for small-scale geoelectric temporal monitoring. As a reminder, the Ohmpi project is an open source, open hardware project, led by the REVERSAAL unit and Rémi Clément