ICWS 2024

18th international conference on vegetated systems for water treatment and management, organized by INRAE REVERSAAL

Plus de 50 nationalités présentes pour des présentations orales, workshops, posters et visites techniques

The 18th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, held every 2 years since 1988, took place in Fort-de-France, Martinique, at the end of November 2024. Organized by INRAE REVERSAAL, the Office de l'Eau (ODE) Martinique, CAWASA and Hupanam, it brought together experts and researchers from 50 countries to share the results of the latest research in the field, exchange experiences and discuss new concepts and technologies. Over 160 speakers took part in oral presentations, workshops and poster sessions. Technical visits highlighted innovations implemented in recent years in tropical environments as part of research projects in which INRAE and ODE Martinique are heavily involved.

In parallel with the conference, INRAE REVERSAAL co-organized, with the French Ministry of ecological transition, the national seminar of the Overseas Water Plan, which was attended by 140 people. In addition to advancing water and sanitation issues in the French overseas departments, the seminar provided an opportunity to make a connection between nature-based solutions and sanitation issues in tropical environments.
